20 - Rare Trinidad Scorpion Red CARDI (Caribbean Agricultural Research Development Institute) seeds from CP-321 stock. This is what many feel is the true and original Trinidad Scorpion strain. Very hot and delicious. The plants grow large and produce well. 20 seeds.
20 - 7 Pot Douglah seeds. This is a rare, very tasty and extremely hot pepper. Prolific plant with large, chocolate pods. Heat may exceed 1,800,000 SHU. 20 seeds.
20 - Yellow Naga Brain Strain seeds. A sweet and delicious superhot variety. Not as hot as the others in this package but the flavor is great. Another heavy producer of large pods. 20 seeds.
20 - Carolina Reaper seeds. This is commonly known as the hottest pepper on Planet Earth at up to 2.2 million SHU. Two phenotypes. The usual and a larger pod without the stinger. 20 seeds.
Seeds are properly processed by slowly air drying without heat. Grown, processed and packaged 2019. Plants are isolated by wide separation. Growth true to phenotype is expected but not guaranteed.
Please note: Our seeds can grow very large plants.